2022, Supplement 5
Cardiovasc Metab Sci 2022; 33 (S5)
INOCA and MINOCA: are they invisible to the eyes?
Villalba-Giménez, Lorena; Paredes, Oscar; Silvera-Ruíz, Nancy B; Spinzi, Adriana Lorena; Coronel-Mariño, Claudine J; Ibarrola, Dahiana
Coronary ischemic phenomena without obstructive arteries (INOCA-MINOCA) remain enigmatic clinical entities characterized by evidence of myocardial injury without obstructive coronary atherothrombotic etiology. Although it is attributed to multiple possible mechanisms, in recent years, significant advances in the underlying pathophysiological understanding have made it possible to get a better guide for treatment. Although it is more benign than infarcts with obstructive arteries, its prognosis is not very predictable and is being evaluated by ongoing studies. This article presents an updated view of these pathologies.